Have you ever been on the receiving end of a telephone call, usually from a phone number you do not recognize, but you answered anyway? Immediately, you're met with either an obnoxious recording, or worse, a real person. The message is the same: "Hello, you need to verify your listing on Google.." Hang up. That's right. It's not Google. Google is about as likely to call, as Ed McMahon is to ring your doorbell and announce you've won the Publishers Clearing House Sweepstakes. That is to say, neither are going to call (Ed's been dead since 2009, so that's problem). Google simply does not make these calls. A popular scam is known as "Phishing". This is the practice of somebody trying to get information from you that they can exploit. Phone number, credit card, account numbers, etc. Sometimes these calls are relatively harmless, but often they are not. If in doubt, just hang up. Shoreline Pixels is an approved Google City Partner. We have the ability "verify" ownership of a businesses Google My business page, using an exclusive phone app designed just for this purpose. "Verification" means simply that you take a moment to prove that you are indeed who you say you are. Your verified listing on Google carries that much more weight with the Search engine. Google periodically removes business listing that haven't been verified, so it's important that a business owner take the time to make sure their business listing is verified. It's just that these nuisance calls are not the way to accomplish this. If you're still need a helping hand, don't hesitate to reach out to us. You can leave us note on our Contact Page and we'll be happy to help. No obligation required. We want to see you succeed.